~ Streamyx ~
Seem streamyx AGAIN under some freakin maintanance. The connection slow like hell. Even messenger sign in and out all the time. All message delivered fail. F**k..
Please those people who in charge in this telecommunication company do concern about the Citizenz need. Malaysia is left behind all because of network problemS.
Streamyx can only offer 2M the most. Western countries..even some of the asia countries can provide 8M connection speed and above for family used. Why Streamyx can't??!!
Please show a little concern about the connection speed problem. Provide a better service and higher speed connection with reasonable monthly charge.
Please those people who in charge in this telecommunication company do concern about the Citizenz need. Malaysia is left behind all because of network problemS.
Streamyx can only offer 2M the most. Western countries..even some of the asia countries can provide 8M connection speed and above for family used. Why Streamyx can't??!!
Please show a little concern about the connection speed problem. Provide a better service and higher speed connection with reasonable monthly charge.
Labels: Crap
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