Tuesday, June 20, 2006


1 男人是上帝根据世界的需要而创造的;女人是上帝根据男人的需要而创造的
2 男人爱上女人后,他会做诗,女人爱上男人后,她会做梦
3 女人对男人往往会朝思暮想男人对女人往往会朝秦暮楚
4 女人的看家本领是撒娇;男人的拿手好戏是撒谎
5 女人的幸福在于:他真的爱我;男人的幸福在于:她值得我爱
6 女人应该有丰满的胸脯;男人应该有丰满的腰包
7 女人吻男人算是一种幸福;男人吻女人算是一种口福
8 当女人走投无路的时候,她会和一个男人结婚;当男人走投无路的时候,一个女人会和
9 聪明的女人会嫁给爱她的男人做老婆;愚蠢的女人会嫁给她爱的男人做老婆
10 做情人的时候,女人会让男人心疼;做妻子的时候,女人会让男人头疼
11 少女习惯用眼神征服男人;少妇习惯用眼泪征服男人
12 为女人发誓的男人是可笑的为女人发财的男人是可爱的
13 男人要是提出离婚,往往是他已经不喜欢她的妻子了女人要是提出离婚,往往是她丈夫
14 女人坚持独身,人们会认为她有毛病;男人坚持独身,人们会认为他有事业心。
15 女人坚持独身是因为找不到好对象,男人坚持独身是因为找不到对象
16 女人习惯把赌注押在爱情上;男人习惯把赌注押在婚姻上;
17 女人能够忍受不幸的婚姻,不能忍受不幸的爱情;男人能够忍受不幸的爱情,不能忍受
18 一个忧郁的女人背后必然有一段不幸的爱一个憔悴的男人的背后必然有一桩不幸的婚姻
19 女人再婚是为了赌气;男人再婚是为了碰运气
20 女人总是希望她是他的最后一个女人;男人总是希望他是她的第一个男人...
21 女人姣好的长相,使男人迅速坠入情网男人的甜言蜜语,使女人乐于被拉下爱河。
22 男人追求女人,如隔着一座山;女人追求男人,如隔着一层纸。
23 男人往往能追到他喜欢的女人,而女人却得不到她爱恋的男人
24 男人不怕翻山越岭,女人却怕伤了手指头。
25 男人获得爱的方式是迅速出击,在燃烧中拥抱爱的烈焰;女人获得爱的方法是缓慢地渗
26 化妆品对女人而言,是信心。对男人而言,是幻觉。
27 男人热恋时聪明之级;女人热恋时却愚蠢无比。
28 男人考验女人的方法是远走高飞;女人考验男人的方式是约会迟到。
29 男人为结婚而恋爱;女人为爱情而结婚。
30 男人酒后话多,女人婚后话多。
31 男人恋爱希望把复杂的过程弄简单,女人恋爱喜欢将简单的事情弄复杂。
32 男人无情地把初恋情人当做一次性饮料,满足渴望后毫不吝啬地扔掉,女人深情地把初
33 男人选择女人,目光瞄准脸蛋,女人选择男人,心思放在钱包。
34 男人恋爱是因为无事可做,女人恋爱是因为好奇心驱使。结果是男人烦恼女人失望。
35 男人希望女友经历越少越好,女人却希望男友经历越多越好。
36 男人恋爱时用眼,女人恋爱时用心。
37 男人的眼睛靠辐射,而女人的心靠传导。
38 男人喜欢放出诱饵垂钓爱情,女人喜欢不惜血本守望爱情。
39 男人恋爱后变得可怜巴巴,女人恋爱后变得神经兮兮。
40 女人恋爱期间渴望对方裸露心灵,男人恋爱期间渴望对方裸露身体。

Saturday, June 17, 2006

~The starting of One month semester break ~

yesterday is my last day of examinations....the last subject maths....i spent almost 8 hours (from 11pm. until the next morning 7a.m) to write the formula sheet(hand-written formula sheet is allowed for maths exam). Damn tired and...cant concentrate at all during maths examination...finally...the exam end...and..i sleep the whole day long..until 6pm...

Movie time at 915pm...Fast and furious(Tokyo)..nice movie...is recomended...i love those cars..with extreme horse power...damn nice...especially the part while they are drifting...

Clubbin time...after movie...clubbin..not many people..but having great fun at balcony...alcoholic bastard .yea...rite..haha..

going home on Sunday..and i will miss Miri very much..hehe..one months semester break...hope i will spend it wisely...

CurtinMechanical engineering students out there...Happy holiday...

Cheers..^^ ..pat

Thursday, June 15, 2006













~Those Water Engineers = Water Freak~

All water Engineers..allowed me to ask you guys a question...
TOday i having fluid mechanics examination...
when the moment i see all those questions..i know i will definately fail this unit....as non of the examination question i can do. I am completely lost~my brain turn blank~and i start to stare blanky....
Oh GOsh...the first time i am so panic and...can remeber all the formulas...and.you know wad...for fluid mechanics there are damn many formula...and...there are only three formula sheets(SHIT) provided. And those formula provided is actually USELESS...all those formulas needed is not provided....
Have to pray hardly so that i will pass and really hope this miracle will happen (though the chance to pass is almost 0%)
All water engineers out there..you must have put a lot of effort to get a water engineer degree or master coz...fluid mechanics is the hardest subject among the others(my opinion)...i pay my respect on you guys....

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

~tension and stressful W33K~

five days continously having five examinations nearly cause me DEAD
Two examinations already done
(1) machine dynamics - have to get another 24 marks..hope manage to pass
(2) mechanical design - manage to answer all the question but not sure any mistake or not
Now three more exams..
(1) Fluid mechanics
(3) Mathematics

GoGoGo....three more days to go.....

Best wishes for all frens..

Guys...JIA YOU

Thursday, June 08, 2006

~Thanks for supporting!~

Thanks for the supports frens...
so touching while reading those messages you guys send to me...
Have to work extremely hard from now on....for mechanical engineering three more days to go...
Best wishes for my frens....(irene, bin, kev, kitty, kian, alan, liudong..and so on)
Aza Aza Fighting
V) ^^ (V
( 0 )

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

~Exam phobia~

the study week almost end...for me it just like the end of the world is coming soon...haizz..

(1) machine dynamics---------------NO idea wad's all about,but still manage to do some of the

(2) mechanical deisgn-------------------------Many Formulas..cant understand at all.

(3) fluid mechanics--------------------------------FLuid(water) Hard!!

(4) Engineering Economics---------------Can pass at least...

(5) Engineering Mathematics--Completely LOST

Five exams in five days from monday to friday continously-----DIE<(@.@)>

Now doing maths revision...hope at least i can memorise some of the formulas..


Pray for m3...guys...

Aim for PASS

Thursday, June 01, 2006

B@ck Hom3 ~ Hom3 Sw33t Hom3 ~

Dry and hot day...

I was driving back to my hometown this afternnon..Drive extremely fast..huhu...Study w33k...started from this week until 11 june...two weeks....it is for sure not enough for me to revise all the subjects....haizz..
Hopefully i will able to finish my revision in time...

Wishes all the best for my friends...Good luck!! ^.^